Ammonia - aqua properties

CoolProp: Melinder and Skovrup

The CoolProp library implements two models for Ammonia (NH3) - aq; note that both are incompressible models only. The correlations come from Melinder and Skovrup. See details on the available models.

Here, let's see what is available from these models.

In [42]:
import CoolProp.CoolProp as CP
h=CP.PropsSI("H", "P", 101325, "T", 293.15, "Water")
print("Enthalpy is ", h)

fluidname = "INCOMP::MAM[0.23]"
h = CP.PropsSI("H", "T", 293., "P", 101325, fluidname)
print("Enthalpy is ", h)

fluidname = "INCOMP::MAM2[0.23]"
h = CP.PropsSI("H", "T", 293., "P", 101325, fluidname)
print("Enthalpy is ", h)
Enthalpy is  84007.30085106673
Enthalpy is  -632.7357481541694
Enthalpy is  -632.7281451207818
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